What is Public Speaking?
Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person to a group of listeners. Public speaking can serve the purpose of transmitting information, telling a story, motivating people to act or encouraging people. This type of speech is deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain.
Public speaking for business and commercial events is often done by professionals. These speakers can be contracted independently, through representation by a speaker’s bureau, or by other means. Public speaking plays a large role in the professional world. In fact, it is believed that 70 percent of all jobs involve some form of public speaking.
A common fear of public speaking is called glossophobia (or, informally, "stage fright"), this state of response by many beginners confuse with normal nerves and anxiety with a genuine phobia.[10]
Tip on Public Speaking

Introduction to Public Speaking
10 Powerful & Easy Public Speaking Tips!
1. Know & research you Audience, Venue and Speech Timing
2. Think, Write and Refine your speech based on the objectives
3. Create a clear and specific Title or Topic
4. Articulate a message in your overall story structured with a speech opening, body, and conclusion
5. Add facts, statistics or relevant examples & quotes
6. Practice with Friends, Family, Partner
7. Time your speech & avoid memorizing it
8. Make use of body gestures as well as add Enthusiasm
9. Use Vocal Variety and short pauses as applicable
10. Have an impactful opening and closing to engage your Audience
To get the RESULTS you want, you must:
SPEAK with confidence
LEAD with a message in your story
INSPIRE your audience, colleagues and customers, which will
TRANSFORM your overall speech to be insightful and actionable for success.

– Somesh Chablani